Glowworm is written in C++ and makes heavy use of the Qt framework by Nokia. However, you do not need any knowledge in C++ to contribute. We have a number of tasks to do besides the main application development. If you want to work on a certain task, contact
Axel Jaeger.
Main application development
- Port sound2light to windows
- Try sound2light with new QAudioDevice to do it cross plattform
- Implement proper beat detection.
- Find a way to lower amount of CPU power used.
Technology development
We tried as best as possible to make glowworm a collection of components that are usable in other applications as well. If we develop a new feature, we first think whether it could be used in other applications as well. There is plenty of new components and existing components that need work:
- Find a way to do cross platform MIDI. At some point, we want to have MIDI controllers for light. The resulting component shall be usable in other Qt apps as well.
- Improve our MDI-framework currently dubbed "concrete". Use it in your application and tell us what is missing.
- Write a driver for your favorite DMX interface
- Write a bridge driver to make glowworm use linux dmx
- Write new drivers for linux-dmx then
Other things to do
- Create a Windows Vista/7 gadget to control a glowworm application
- Create a S60 WRT application to control a glowworm application
- Improve the iPhone-interface
- Compile a subset of glowworm for OpenWRT
- Pack a windows dummy driver for libusb on windows
- Make a package for your favorite linux distribution
- Do some electronics. We think that everyone interested in DMX should try it out and not fail on the hardware. I would like to have an SMD-based PCB for both the Hoelscher DMX-Tranceiver as well as the FTDI-based DMX interface. Both PCBs should be pretty small so they will be cheap if produced in large quantities.
- Help on the website